.. MARMOTE documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Feb 13 10:21:40 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. MARMOTE's documentation ======================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Table of Contents :name: mastertoc instructions cpp_examples python_examples documentation downloads about Marmote ------- Marmote is a programming platform for building and solving Markov models with discrete state spaces. It consists in * a C++ API together with a library of pre-defined models. * two C++ application API one for Markov Chain: MarmoteMarkovChain.and one for Markov Decision Processes: MarmoteMDP. * a wrapping in python of the 3 C++ APIs You can learn how to * :doc:`install <./instructions>` using conda, * program your models through commented :doc:`examples for c++ <./cpp_examples>`. * program your models through commented :doc:`notebooks for python <./python_examples>`. You also have access to the :doc:`documentation <./documentation>` including the user/reference manual and the detailed API documentation. Documentation creation date: |today|